Top 3 street foods you can make at home

Street food is probably one of the best things when it comes to travelling. How else are you supposed to experience a foreign country up close? Street food is often viewed as more than just a quick snack. It’s a way of getting in contact with new and different cultures. However, the bad thing about street food is that you can’t always trust the vendors and that you definitely don’t have any guarantee when it comes to just how fresh their products are or how sanitary the environment they are made in. So here are some street foods that you can make at home with clean, fresh ingredients.

Empanada_Gourmet read more

Simple Roof Cleaning Tips


House owners are often not sure what makes roof look to dirty after a while. They also don’t know the proper techniques for an effective roof cleaning. There will be lots of stain and growths on the top of your roof if not cleaned regularly.

So if what are your options if terms of roof cleaning?

The answer is simple… You just have to follow some basic steps for roof cleaning. If your house is in humid area than there is better chance that your roof will have lots of stains and plants growing on it.

If you inspect your roof properly you will see that there are some clean and some dirty spots. The shaded parts of roofs remains mostly in humid condition and gets dirty more often. The dirtiness of the roofs also depends on the roofing materials. If you are using asphalt roof then you will notice many stains on the roof after a while. If your roof or Toit is not getting direct sunlight, it allows the plants to grow in the shaded part. The longer the moisture stays, more the chance of your roof damage. The black algae will grow on the roof and it can also damage the roof. read more

Our First Post

So here it is our first post. We are proud to be announcing this to be the first post on this blog. We are so happy and we want to share this happiness with all our readers.

We want to take the time to properly talk about ourselves, what we do for a living, how we cam about having this blog and and why we even started it in the first place.

So here it is.

We are a couple of room mates living in Toronto the big city of the Canada. We love writing and we both have full time jobs that we like, but we adore writing and talking about stuff!

We had a discussion one day with our friend whom was actually doing some renovations and cleaning for her place and she old us how long it took and her and what she did and how much it cost and we were surprised not to mention shocked! read more