Clean your house within one hour


Cleaning is one of the significant, necessary and, of course, hard thing to do. The cleaning process is generally systematic and people tend to follow certain routine for cleaning up the house. However, it is not necessary as well. There are people who believe that cleaning of house is needed when it is dirty or may be with some guest arrival news. Does not matter which category you are in, there are times when cleaning needs to be done quick and that too very quick. People often say that cleaning house is time consuming process and to clean it or make it look clean you need to put much effort. It is partially true and the secret actually lies with smart work. So, here are few genuine and useful tips to clean your house within just an hour. read more

Why Us?

This index and blog helps all families and people that need advise on home decor, cleaning, efficiency, and mostly saving money with these tasks. We love to discuss all these topics and we want to be able to share with you the secrets that we have unfolded over the years.

So why choose us versus all the ones out there?

We believe in making the most out of your home and we are regular people who are based out of Canada and would like everyone to experience the most out of their town. We discuss business and ways to improve and we span all Canada starting from Toronto, Montreal and others.

We love to hear back always from our readers on ways we can improve our blog and we encourage you take part in our stories and submit any story you want us to post to the email read more

Simple Roof Cleaning Tips


House owners are often not sure what makes roof look to dirty after a while. They also don’t know the proper techniques for an effective roof cleaning. There will be lots of stain and growths on the top of your roof if not cleaned regularly.

So if what are your options if terms of roof cleaning?

The answer is simple… You just have to follow some basic steps for roof cleaning. If your house is in humid area than there is better chance that your roof will have lots of stains and plants growing on it.

If you inspect your roof properly you will see that there are some clean and some dirty spots. The shaded parts of roofs remains mostly in humid condition and gets dirty more often. The dirtiness of the roofs also depends on the roofing materials. If you are using asphalt roof then you will notice many stains on the roof after a while. If your roof or Toit is not getting direct sunlight, it allows the plants to grow in the shaded part. The longer the moisture stays, more the chance of your roof damage. The black algae will grow on the roof and it can also damage the roof.

Now the house owners are often worried whether the stains will damage the roofs. The growing moss can damage your roof up to two layers of shingles. The algae is responsible for eating the surface. Black algae will eat the surface granules and spread all over the roof. So if you allow moss and algae to grow on the top of your roof, the life expectancy of your roof is likely to decrease. The roof of your house will get damaged within a short time if you don’t conduct proper roof cleaning.


There are different options available for you when it comes to roof cleaning. The first option is to replace the entire roof if you have that kind of budget. If the roof is badly damaged, you should entirely replace the roof. You can use specialized roof cleaning materials for the cleaning work. It will keep your roof clean and your roof will get a longer lifespan. Another option is to replace your entire roof if you have that kind of money. It will be costly but your house will look a lot better with a shiny new roof.

There is another option which is to hire a roof cleaning company. The roof cleaning professionals have all the necessary tools which will be needed for roof cleaning. If you want to hire a roof cleaning company you should do some research before hiring one. Hire a company which is operating for a long time in roof cleaning sector. Hiring a roof cleaning company is a safe and effective in every aspect. You can also try to clean the roof if you have that kind of skill. Cleaning roof requires special set of skills and many safety arrangement.

Clean your closet in an organized manner

Who does not have a closet full of unused stuff?


Well, it is a matter of time before your closet has as many stuff as possible. But it is also true that nobody wants to mess with their closet. So it is equally important to clean the closet as well. But it can be a tedious process if you have large collections. So here are some tips that will help you to clean your closet very easily.

Pick the best collections

You closet should be the ultimate collection. Make sure that the stuff that you use or may use in future is lined up there. It is often seen that closet becomes a collection of stuff that are not used. There may be items that are never used and there is very less chance you will use it again. Take those out of your closet and empty the space. Make sure you use it for the new collections.

Segregate the Closet


Now this is the most important part for the closet cleaning. You can have dresses for partying, for fun and many others. Keep the dresses together with a distinct space. Keep your shoes in a different place within the closet. You can clean the closet by segregating it properly. Organization is a basic part of the cleaning process and closet is a perfect example of it.

Keep shuffling the collection

It is understood that nobody wears the same thing throughout the year. The wearing is most versatile stuff and keeps on changing with seasons. The dresses for winter are not worn in the summer. So the shuffling of the closet stuff is mandatory for each season. Keep your summer collection in the summer time and replace it in the winter with the winter collection. So, shuffling will provide the much needed frequent junk cleaning for the closet. You can do that in between time as well to clear and shuffle the stuff across.

Hangers can do wonders

Hangers are very important for the closet. They do not only empty space in the closet but also make it look clean and tidy. You can go for colorful hangers that can be attractive and appealing as well. Hangers also keep your cloths wrinkle free.

Dump what not needed

You will have many products that you do not use. The cleaning process requires them to be dumped off. But there is no need to throw them out of your place. The stuff can be kept at a separate place. This will ensure all your products to be with you and you will get enough places in the closet as well. Cleaning does not mean keeping fewer stuff in the closet neither it is hanging everything. It is a simple process of managing the wardrobe with limited space.

Cleaning is not an outrageous job to do. It needs patience and skills to do it in a better way. Closets can become very untidy and unorganized provided you take the necessary steps to clean it.


Our First Post

So here it is our first post. We are proud to be announcing this to be the first post on this blog. We are so happy and we want to share this happiness with all our readers.

We want to take the time to properly talk about ourselves, what we do for a living, how we cam about having this blog and and why we even started it in the first place.

So here it is.

We are a couple of room mates living in Toronto the big city of the Canada. We love writing and we both have full time jobs that we like, but we adore writing and talking about stuff!

We had a discussion one day with our friend whom was actually doing some renovations and cleaning for her place and she old us how long it took and her and what she did and how much it cost and we were surprised not to mention shocked!

We asked her why she has not researched the subject before her renovations and why she was not following a blog or someone recommendations and what she told me is she does not know of a good Canadian blog out there. The reason she wanted it to be Canadian is because most USA based blogs tend to be biased towards US companies and ways of working so we decided to change that and provide recommendations for Canadian based companies and Canadian based advise.

And since we love writing and love sharing experiences, we decided to start this blog and see where it goes!

Thats all…

So if you ever want to contact us and express your thoughts on subjects you want us to cover just send us an email at the contact here and learn more about us as well. SO lets gets started on this wonderful journey.